Put anything you want to dry, on the back-rack of the stove! Can make dried vegetables, too

A stainless steel rack placed in the back of the stove. Of course, it is convenient to place a hot pot or a hot kettle during cooking.

But not only that.

It is very convenient to use as a drying space for washed things that are not easy to dry, such as wooden table ware, PET bottle, etc. etc.

You can also make dried vegetables, if you cut and place some left-over vegetables on the rack.

I stir-fry dried cucumbers with eggs. An easy Chinese dish

My back-rack perfectly fits for a standard gas stove of 59cm width. Its height is 20cm, which makes me feel assured even place it near the fire.

One day, after dinner. Wooden tableware, lacquerware and colanders that needed to be thoroughly dried, uneven items that are difficult to wipe such as a mouthpiece of a water bottle, are all put on the rack until morning. The lid of the enamel pan is also dried here not to rust.

On this day, I chop a carrot and dry it together.

Dried vegetables can be stored for longer time, and its taste and texture would change after dried, so they can be used as new ingredient for new dish.

Over night dried carrot is used as a salad. The sweetness increases when dried. Crunchy texture.

Dried carrot and broccoli salad. Only mixed with Japanese Pon-zu vinegar, sesame oil and crushed sesame seeds

After drying two full days, the carrot becomes like barks. In this way, long storage is possible. For use, rehydrate by soaking in water. We can add them directly into miso soup.

I have a three-tiered net to dry vegetables, but it is not usually so often to make lots of dried vegetables at one time. It is very convenient to have a small space in the kitchen, to dry left-over vegetables.

Pots, kettles, tableware, and vegetables. The back-rack of the stove can be used for a little storage and drying space!

When they are dried, I put them away, and I feel so good!
